Who Viewed my instagram story

Can Someone See How Many Times I Viewed Their Instagram Story? Instagram Secrets and FAQs

Ever since stories became the next big thing, every once in a while, we all get suspicious if Instagram is keeping our secrets or revealing them. You may wonder: Does Instagram show how many times you view a story? Can someone see if you replay their story on Instagram? Can you see when someone views your Instagram?

And the trust issues are totally understandable. Given that some apps do reveal information about profile visits, screenshots, and story replays, you are likely to wonder if Instagram does the same.

Instagram FAQs

Let’s delve into these questions one by one.

1-Does Instagram show how many times you view a story?

No, Instagram does not show how many times you view a story. However, it does show that you have viewed the story.

To put it in simple terms, your view counts as 1 view. It does not matter, if you view the story 1 time or multiple times, the view count will be shown as 1.

Let me explain this through an example. Let’s call one account “A”. Now, if A views my story update, I will see A’s name listed in the viewer’s list. There will be no mention of the number of times A viewed my story.

2-How can you see who viewed your Instagram story?

When you upload a story on Instagram, you see how many views the story gets under analytics. The view count shows how many people/viewers have seen your story. It counts 1 view for 1 account.

To see the viewers, click on your story. Swipe up. You will see the list of viewers.

3-How do Instagram story views work?

Instagram story views appear under story analytics. You can check these as long as your story remains uploaded. If you keep the Ig story for 24 hours, you can check the views within these 24 hours. 

For story highlights, you can check the views within 48 hours.

4-Can you see who views your Instagram story?

Yes, you can see who viewed your Instagram story under story analytics. To see who viewed your Instagram story, swipe up on your story to see the viewer’s list.

But here’s the secret you didn’t know. This is about Instagram story viewers’ order.

While Instagram does not snitch on its viewers by showing if you replay a story, it does offer insights about story interactions through analytics. 

Basically, what it does is, it prioritizes the viewers based on their interaction with your story. This means, if someone spent a longer time on your story, Instagram may move their view to the top of the viewers’ list.

5-Can someone tell if you look at their Instagram?

No, Instagram does not offer profile views. You cannot see Instagram page views. You can only see Instagram story views.

Example: If person “A” visits my profile and explores through my feed, I will not be notified. I can only see whether “A” viewed my story or not.

6-Does Instagram notify others when you replay a story?

Instagram does not notify the user if you replay their story. There is no notification sent over viewing or replaying a story. A notification is only sent if you interact with a person’s story.

Example: “A” viewed my story update. I will not be notified but I can check it in my story analytics. Let’s say, “A” interacted with my story. I will be notified about the interaction.

If A liked my story, I would receive a notification that A liked your story. If A reacted or commented on my story, I would receive a notification in my messenger with their reaction or comment.

7-Can you see when someone screenshots Instagram?

No, Instagram does not notify you when someone screenshots or screen records something on your feed, story, or reels.


This article answers a comprehensive list of questions about Instagram and its use. If you have any sort of queries like Does Instagram notify others when I replay a story? Or How can I see if someone viewed my profile? or other questions about Instagram’s policies read the article above. In short, Instagram at the moment does not notify the users if you replay their story, visit their profile screenshot their profile content. As for the future, we never know what updates can bring.

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